Hello America!
I’m super excited to launch my first ever blog! The thought of starting a blog never entered my mind until one of my seminary professors encouraged me to do so. She actually said, “You should be writing for a larger audience (blogs, SubStacks, articles for ministry magazines/newsletters, a book about your own experience…) Her feedback on my papers was so inspiring and had me thinking for weeks (more like months) whether I could/should start a blog. And then I thought, why not! I love to write, and I truly have a lot on my mind that I want to share. Not only that, but I’ve also written some pretty good papers throughout my seminary journey that I believe would be great reading for anyone visiting my blog. I also have a lot to say about the current state of our world, which I will highlight/comment on as well. I try to stay up on the latest news and will also offer some commentary on breaking news and other stories I feel should be highlighted.
Having said that, I hope as many people as possible will stop by and partake of my words of wisdom, encouragement, insight, and whatever else is placed upon my heart to share with my audience. I will warn you now, this will be an eclectic blog. On any given day, I may come at you with something religious/spiritual, an op ed about current events or whatever else may be weighing on my spirit. Know this though, whatever I post, I promise that it will be thought provoking.
While I’m at it, let me comment on this current election coming up next week. I don’t know about you but I’m soooo ready for this to be over! It’s a crying shame that we’re living in a day and age where a convicted felon (with 34 felony counts) can run to be the President of our Country! And not to mention he’s a racist, misogynist, a homophobic, a liar, a malignant narcissist, and let’s not forget he staged that insurrection on January 6th and has the nerve to say it was a day of love. Really! It just boggles my mind that there are so many people in this country that not only follow him, but actually believe he’s the best choice to be Commander and Chief of the greatest country in the world. He and his sycophants (brownnosers, flunkies, suck-ups) continue to deny the fact that he literally lost the last election and don’t get me started on all of the vicious lies and atrocious names that continue to spread about our Vice President Kamala Harris. If you have not heard, let me enlighten you. The Republican candidate has called our madam Vice President, dumb as a rock, a foolish incompetent person, stupid, she has an extremely low IQ, she’s a liar, she’s a radical left Marxist, a communist, he’s questioned her ethnicity (saying, “I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?”), he’s said she hates her Country, he’s accused her of destroying San Franciso, said she’s violated her oath and is responsible for unleashing criminals into our country, calls her a loser, says she can’t speak intelligently, she can’t speak in a complete sentence, and so much more that only demonstrates just how small, petty, unfit and unhinged he is. He stands on stage making things up, and the thing is, the more he spews his lies and destructive rhetoric, his followers latch on, believe it and spread it themselves. His rhetoric is nothing more than fear mongering to the umpteenth degree! How folks can be so gullible is just crazy. The Republican candidate is out to save no one but himself. Should he win (heaven forbid) the first item on his agenda will be to pardon himself, wiping away all of his legal issues.
And if that’s not enough, let’s not forget how he handled the COVID pandemic! Anyone that would fix their mouth to tell people to drink or inject bleach to wipe out a virus is just dumb! Remember what he said, “So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous – whether it’s ultraviolet or just powerful light – and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it….supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that, too. It sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So, it would be interesting to check that.” What an utterly stupid thing to say… He literally had no clue! The manner in which he handled the pandemic was the reason so many people needlessly lost their lives. And now we hear he was sending COVID test to Putin! Really, while we here in the USA were scrambling to find tests! Let’s not forget how he tore families apart because of his “zero tolerance” immigration policy, which resulted in over 5,000 innocent babies being separated from their parents with no way of them being tracked for reunion. Let’s not forget how he bowed down to dictators such as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. Let’s not forget how he touted (on an open mic) about grabbing women by the p****. Let’s not forget that he was convicted of sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll who was awarded a whopping $83 million dollars. Let’s not forget how he continues rails against the media, referring to many outlets as “fake news,” even going so far as calling women anchors “nasty” or “stupid.” Black people, let’s not forget how he used his mug shot to align himself with black folks, saying, “A lot of people said that that’s why the Black people like me because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against.” Seriously! Let’s not forget how he disparaged and denigrating the political career and memory of a great patriot, John McCain simply because he voted against him in terms of voting down the Affordable Care Act (aka Obama Care). Let’s not forget how he orchestrated the Obama birther debacle and carried it further accusing him of tapping his phones. Let’s not forget how he literally tossed rolls of paper towels at people in the wake of the hurricane in Puerto Rico. Let’s not forget how he has recently touted that Haitian Americans “are eating the dogs and cats” in Springfield, Ohio. Let’s not forget that he said, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here? Let’s not forget how he held a grudge against the brilliant Dr. Anthony Fouci who oversaw the COVID-19 pandemic (had he listened to him, things would have been much different). Let’s not forget how he said those part of the January 6th insurrection were fine people, full of love. Yeah right….love had nothing to do with that mess. Let’s not forget how he said those who were part of the mayhem in Charlottesville were “very fine people,” notwithstanding the fact a young lady lost her life. Let’s not forget part of his convictions stem from his association with a Porn Star. Let’s not forget that he really does know and is an integral part of the compilation of Project 2025. Need I say more? Is this really the kind of person you want running our Country?! In the words of Kevin (in Home Alone), “I don’t think so!”
As much as it pained me, I’ve sat and watched his rallies and let me tell you something, if anyone is unintelligent, it’s him! He can’t even stay on message, let alone parse a complete and intelligent thought. He goes on for hours talking about himself, how great he is, how much wealth he has, how he’s the best President since Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, how popular he is, how much property he has, how his hair looks, commenting on men’s genitalia, and so on. Oh, and then there’s the meandering where he goes off script to talk about people’s looks, and basically things that have nothing to do with nothing. I wonder how the people in the audience can take it because his speeches are full of nothing but hate, evil and himself. They lack substance, clarity and from my perspective, absolutely nothing, nothing that says he deserves to sit behind the resolute desk. There’s no details about his policies…. just I’m going to do…. but with no substance to back it up. His rhetoric is beyond comprehension, it’s downright, evil, dangerous and unbecoming of the office of the President. He rails against the media and basically anyone that won’t bow down to him. Just look at all of his former cabinet members that have come out against him. His own former Chief of Staff (a 4-Star general mind you) has even likened him to a fascist! And yet, there are millions of people that are literally mesmerized by this man. Grant it, everyone is entitled to support whom they chose, but for the life of me I just can’t see what’s so enamoring about the former (so called) President. And what’s this mess about him wanting to protect women, whether they like it or not?! I don’t know about ya’ll but he’s the last person I would look to for protection. Anyone listening to him for two plus hours should leave those venues asking themselves, is this man really fit to be our President, again? Oh, and now he’s touting how he wants to put Robert Kennedy Jr. in charge of health. A person who clearly is unqualified. Lord have mercy!
I could go on and on about my disdain for the Republican Presidential candidate, but I’ll stop because I want to shift and speak to what I see in our Vice President Kamala Harris and why I believe she is the best choice to be our next Commander in Chief. In my most humble opinion, Vice President Kamala Harris is more than fit, ready, and able to be our next President. In just the short amount of time that she has been on the campaign trail, she has shown herself to be above reproach. She is a woman of great character, someone who demonstrates sincere concern for humanity and the well-being of every person that makes up this great country. She is smart, intelligent and obviously has a brilliant mind or else she would not have been a federal prosecutor, let alone a State Senator, Vice President and now candidate for President of these United States. I see in Kamala someone who will work hard to not only unite the people of this country but one who will also ensure our next generation is well equipped to serve our country and move it in the right direction. I believe Kamala has the ability, tenacity and moxie to stand up to foreign leaders (especially Putin), she will take care of our military personnel, the middle class, the least of these and the best of these. She will be a President for all people, and I honestly believe she will ensure women will regain the right to make decisions regarding their own body, and the right to an abortion, which was ruthlessly taken away because “45” stacked the supreme court with conservative judges that overturned Roe v. Wade (the 1973 court decision that guaranteed a constitutional right to abortion). Vice President Kamala and her running mate Tim Walz are forward thinking and are the best persons to move our Country forward and not backward, which is all the Republican candidates have in mind. We need people in office who are compassionate, who want what’s best for America and the people that call her home. We can’t afford to go back, and as Kamala touts at her rallies, “We’re Not Going Back!” They will ensure our LGBTQIA+ brothers and sisters have a place at the table and are treated as the people God created them to be. They will bring back the notion of America being a melting pot where all persons are welcome and treated with the dignity, they deserve…. and I’m certain they will ensure they enter legally. There are literally a few days left for folks to make up their minds and vote for the person who will represent our country with a sense of pride, a person who will represent our country with a sense of compassion and love for humanity and America, a person who will not be divisive and retaliatory against those who disagree with her, a person who is brilliant, intelligent, tough, empathetic, a visionary and someone who will present herself as a Commander in Chief that is ready to take this Country in a direction that will honor all Americans no matter how they ended up on our shores.
If you’re undecided, sitting on the fence, holding on to your ballot, wondering who you’ll chose to be our next President, I encourage you to think long and hard about the two choices before us. Do you want our next Commander in Chief to be a person that behaves like a bully in a school yard, calling people names, seeking revenge, making up lies about people, dredging up hate and evil, a person that’s a 34-time convicted felon, a racist, a fascist, a want to be dictator, a homophobe, a misogynist, and so much more that deems him unfit, or do you want someone who will sit behind that resolute desk working on her “to do list,” working hard to make America the America people flock to because it is a great Country? While the other candidate (if won) would begin working on his “hit list,” seeking revenge on anyone who dared go against him and pardoning himself of all his felony charges and those that were convicted of crimes associated to the January 6th insurrection, Kamala would be ready (on day one) to roll up her sleeves, doing what is necessary to make America the Country she is known for, one that welcomes whosoever will, a Country that believes in women’s rights, a Country that takes care of the least to the greatest, a Country that is fair and carrying to all persons and a Country that is already great and has no desire of going back to days where people were treated like second class citizens. Yes, the choice is yours and I urge you to please choose wisely.
Vote like your life depends on it, because it literally does. The Republican candidate and his running mate are toxic and so not good for what America stands for. Let us not allow them to take our country back… America, we are so much better than what they’re spewing, which is nothing more than hate, division, evil and a bunch of unsubstantiated rhetoric and lies. In the words of Don Lemon, “Don’t fall for the oky doke!”
With that, I invite you to stay tuned for more commentary in the days and months ahead. Won’t you join me?!